Quantum Pixels


This article is a continuation of the previous one: The Two Sides of Reality. If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend reading that article before this one on Quantum Pixels.

One of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, Werner Heisenberg, calculated that space is pixelated into indivisible 3D Planck units, similar to the 2D pixels on a TV or computer screen. The idea was controversial at the time (1920s) but it has since gained much wider acceptance. Most scientists now agree that length can be no shorter than the Planck length (10-35m), which does suggest reality is pixelated. However, current technology can only test the theory down to 10-18m, which is a long way short of the required 10-35m, so it can’t be scientifically proven yet.

Quantum Pixel

My Pixelated Experience

My interest in this matter was triggered by a personal experience that occurred earlier this year (2020) after a meditative inquiry session with a friend on Skype. I opened my eyes and realised I was still in an enhanced state of consciousness where reality felt slightly different to normal. As I moved my hand in front of my face I could palpably feel that reality was pixelated. My hand and the background space were the same pixelated “substance”, so rather than feeling my hand move through space, I felt it being continually re-created by the pixels of reality (just as pixels on a TV screen create the illusion of movement and continuity of existence). So I know from direct first-hand experience (pun intended) that physical reality is pixelated and continuity of existence is somewhat illusory. Physical reality is literally re-created anew in every moment, and the “refresh rate” of reality is probably 1043 Hz (the Planck frequency), which is once every 10-44 secs (Planck time).

Toruses At Every Scale

My previous articles entitled The Toroidal Universe and Dual-Torus Galactic Geometry describe the significance of the torus at the cosmic scales of reality. This article introduces the idea that toruses exist at every scale of reality, from the cosmic (1027m) to the quantum (10-35m) and beyond. Toruses fit nicely into the quantum realm because they are simultaneously wave-like and particle-like, so I am proposing that reality is comprised of an ocean of quantum-sized toroidal pixels, all spinning and pulsating to quantum time.

Quantum Pixel Torus
Quantum Pixel

Quantum Pixels

There are many different fundamental particles, e.g. photons, electrons and preons (the sub-components of quarks), so there are probably several different varieties of quantum pixel. It is likely that each type of quantum pixel can manifest an entire class of quantum particles, depending on its Mass (size of torus), Spin (ratio of rotations to cycles) and Charge (direction of rotation). Dual toruses and nested toruses are also possibilities.

Of the known fundamental particles, photons (being the smallest) are most likely to be Planck scale. So for simplicity, let’s assume that physical reality is a 3D field of Planck-length toroidal pixels (1.616 x 10-35m) that activate in accordance with Planck time (5.391 × 10-44 secs). If a line of these quantum pixels lit up sequentially, it would create the appearance of a photon moving through space at 299,792,458 m/s, which is precisely the speed of light. Just as there is no actual movement on a TV screen, only the apparent movement of images, there is no actual movement of quantum pixels, only the apparent movement of quantum particles.

According to special relativity, photons don’t experience any movement through space because distance contracts down to a single point at the speed of light, and they don’t experience the passage of time because time contracts down to a single moment at the speed of light. So, if photons don’t experience space, time or movement, they aren’t actually moving, which supports the hypothesis made in the previous paragraph.

On a side note, quantum tunnelling is simply quantum pixels temporarily turning off, so the particles de-materialise (become implicate) and then materialise again (become explicate). They de-materialise where they cannot be perceived (e.g. inside a wall) and instantly re-materialise on the other side where they can be perceived again. Some scientists believe the instantaneous nature of this phenomenon is evidence of faster-than-light travel, but it isn’t. It is simply one pixel turning off, which dematerialises the particle, and another non-adjacent pixel turning on, which materialises another particle in the new location.

Quantum Time

The cyclic flow and continuous unfoldment of the toroidal quantum pixels is the flow of time (the 4th/temporal dimension). This explains how space and time are intimately unified into a single “fabric”, known as space-time.

Toruses flow smoothly and continually, but each cycle is a pulse of creative expression. Each pulse of a quantum pixel manifests a quantum of reality for a quantum of time. The next pulse may be the same or different to the preceding one, but either way it is a discrete creative expression. So, time could be described as being quantised into discrete units, called chronons. A chronon isn’t an absolute unit of time, like a second; it varies depending on the size of the quantum pixel and equates to its “refresh rate”.

Clifford Torus

Note: The animation doesn’t show the torsional spin of toroidal quantum pixels, but this is depicted in the second image.

Planck time (10-44s) is the smallest possible unit of time in the physical universe, but pixels only pulsate at that rate if they are Planck sized (10-35m), i.e. they manifest photons. Bigger pixels (and their corresponding particles) pulse at slower rates, and Piero Caldirola has calculated this would be every 10-24s for an electron. The slower “refresh rates” of bigger pixels means the maximum velocity of their corresponding particles is slower, which explains why nothing but photons can reach the speed of light.

The notion of “continuity of existence” is an approximation of the rapid recurrence of identical or similar forms. When we pause a video, the screen is still creating images 60 times a seconds, only instead of creating a sequence of different images it continually recreates the same image. And that’s exactly how it is with physical reality too. Everything is always brand new, even if it looks old or decaying.

Quantum Gravity

The fabric of space-time is a network of quantum pixels that bridges the implicate and explicate orders. So reality is manifested by quantum pixels, and the distance between any two points in space is equal to the number of quantum pixels that are between those two points. But unlike the pixels on a TV screen, quantum pixels aren’t at fixed coordinates, so space-time is a fabric or medium that can distort and become denser. Gravity increases as the “space” between the quantum pixels decreases, but the distance remains the same because the number of quantum pixels between the two points hasn’t changed. This doesn’t make sense from a purely 3D perspective, but we have to remember that 3D explicate reality manifests out of a higher-dimensional implicate order of reality.

Quantum Gravity

The “force” of gravity is a density gradient of the quantum pixels. So objects fall to the ground because the density gradient is higher at the centre of the Earth than it is near the surface. Planetary orbits and gravitational lensing are the result of objects travelling in straight lines through gravitationally curved space.

In regions of maximum density, like black holes, the quantum pixels are packed so tightly that they are unable to activate and manifest space-time. So the idea of light being unable to escape from a black hole is moot, because there isn’t any space-time for light to exist in or escape from. Black holes are the end of physical reality, but not the end of reality all together. They are “locations” where explicate reality (space-time and energy-matter) enfold into the implicate order, which is informational and higher-dimensional.

Note: Black holes are off-pixels, so their reality is implicate, whereas empty space and matter are different expressions of on-pixels, so physical reality (weather empty or full) is explicate.

Time Dilation

Distortions in space-time cause time to dilate, i.e. flow slower than normal. General relativity tells us that gravity distorts space-time, and special relativity tells us that velocity distorts space-time, so both gravity and velocity cause time to dilate. The same basic mechanism applies in both cases, but some further explanation is still required:

  • The Basic Mechanism: The cyclic flow of quantum pixels is the flow of time, so the slower the pixels flow (or pulsate) the slower time flows, because the “refresh rate” of reality is slower. Note: Time dilation isn’t noticeable if the subject and object are in the same “reference frame” (i.e. same location, direction and velocity) because the subject and object are equally affected.
  • Gravity: The denser the quantum pixels are packed together, the less freedom they have to cyclically flow, so they flow or pulsate slower, hence time flows slower.
  • Velocity: Apart from gravitational warping, there is no actual movement of quantum pixels, only the apparent movement of quantum particles, just like the apparent movement of images on a TV screen. So how can apparent movement distort space-time?
    • Zero Velocity: A stationary particle is manifested by a single quantum pixel that remains activated. It pulsates or flows at its normal rate, so time flows at its normal rate.
    • Light Speed: A particle that is apparently moving at light speed is manifested by a sequence of adjacent pixels activating, but because each pixel only activates for 10-44 seconds, it doesn’t have any time to flow, so time doesn’t flow.
    • Sub-Light Speed: A particle that is apparently moving at less than light speed is also manifested by a sequence of adjacent pixels activating. But in this case each pixel has some time to flow before the next one activates, so time does flow, only slower than normal.

The time dilation effect is negligible at normal speeds but it becomes more significant as the apparent velocity approaches light speed, because each pixel activation is shorter so has less time to flow.

From Implicate to Explicate, via Pixels & Particles

Explicate reality emerges from the implicate order via a flexible matrix of toroidal quantum pixels that pulsate together as a dynamic unified field.

Quantum Pixel Network - The Flower of Life

Fluctuations within this field manifest space, time, energy and matter. The fundamental forces, physical constants and laws of physics are informationally encoded into the implicate order, which is higher-dimensionally enfolded into every point of explicate reality.

The implicate order is the higher-dimensional, informational source of everything, and creation cascades down into explicate physical reality via the transitional realm of quantum pixels and particles:

  • Inactive (off) quantum pixels are implicate, i.e. informational potentiality and unmanifest in terms of space, time and matter. Quantum pixels are physical positions, so if they aren’t turned on, neither matter or space; and if the toruses aren’t there to flow, neither is time.
  • Active (on) quantum pixels are explicate, and there are 4 levels of activation: space-time, wave-functions, wave-packets or particles:
    • Space-Time is the least active and least explicate expression of quantum pixels.
    • Wave-functions are slightly more explicate, but materially they are the least focused expressions of active pixels. They span all the quantum pixels in the system so are formless and diffuse. Superposition, non-locality and entanglement are very evident.
    • Wave-packets are localised wave-functions. They are more-focused expressions that span several active pixels, so they have discrete ethereal form. Superposition, non-locality and entanglement are somewhat evident.
    • Particles are the most explicate and most focused expressions of active pixels (one pixel = one particle), so they have distinct manifest forms. Superposition, non-locality and entanglement are less naturally evident.

Quantum pixels are the informational, energetic and geometric templates that underlie quantum particles. Particles only manifest (come into explicate focus) when they are actively observed (some of you may disagree with this but subsequent articles will explain why it is true). The wave-function of a quantum pixel doesn’t “collapse” when a particle is formed because they are both part of the same quantum manifestation process.

Each pulsation of a quantum pixel brings a quantum particle into existence for 10-44 secs (Planck time). So physical reality is continually re-created 1043 times per second (the Planck frequency). Quantum pixels don’t actually move (apart from gravitational warping), but the projected/manifested quantum particles (and the objects they form) appear to move if they are subsequently re-created by adjacent quantum pixels.

Inter-Dimensional Feedback Loop

The previous article, The Two Sides of Reality, stated that the explicate order emerges from the implicate order, and that the two sides resonate with each other in “an undivided flowing movement”. The cyclic flow of the toroidal quantum pixels is this “undivided flowing movement”, which is actually an inter-dimensional feedback loop between the implicate and explicate orders. It is inter-dimensional because the implicate order is higher-dimensional (more on higher dimensions in the next article). 

The creative/output end of each toroidal quantum pixel is physical reality being made explicate from the (higher dimensional) implicate order, and the destructive/input end is reality de-manifesting back into the implicate order. So the creative/output ends of quantum pixels are essentially mini “white holes” that manifest physical reality, and the destructive/input ends are mini “black holes” that de-manifest physical reality and carry information back into the implicate order to inform the next pulse of creative manifestation.


The universal network of quantum pixels is the fabric of space-time and the inter-dimensional interface (or event horizon) that connects the implicate and explicate orders of reality:

  1. The implicate order is the higher-dimensional source of the quantum pixels.
  2. The quantum pixels manifest quantum waves and particles.
  3. Quantum particles manifest in combinations that form atoms, molecules and everything within our explicate physical reality.

So physical reality is essentially a highly immersive, tangible, holographic projection that originates from a higher-dimensional order of reality, and emerges through a holistic network of quantum pixels. This means the physical universe is more virtual reality than actual reality!