New Age FAQ
Frequently Asked QuestionsNew Age FAQ
New Age FAQ – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about new-age spirituality, free will, karma, fate, destiny, psychic abilities, telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, precognition, psychokinesis, and the law of attraction.

Do we have free will?
Will is not free if it is bound by the effects of our conditioned behaviours. Will is only free if we have sufficient conscious awareness to use it in a considered manner. Without conscious awareness we cannot respond, we can only react. We can consciously exert our will to work with the natural flow of Life; or we can subconsciously exert our will to resist the natural flow of life; or we can unconsciously sit back and do nothing:
• A wise fish actively swims with the flow and makes great progress.
• A stupid fish actively swims against the flow and gets nowhere (except very tired).
• A sleeping fish passively goes with the flow but learns nothing because it is asleep.
What is the law of freedom?
What is destiny?
What is fate?
What is karma?
Is karma fair?
What is the law of attraction?
What is precognition?
What is psychometry?
What is psychokinesis?
What is telepathy?
What is clairvoyance?
What is a spiritual medium?
What is channeling?
Do psychic abilities mean I am highly evolved?
What is craniosacral therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy facilitates the body’s natural ability to heal, restore and balance itself. It is a deeply relaxing treatment which helps balance the nervous system and enables the body to return to a healthier state following injuries or emotional trauma. Body tissues hold onto the results of injury and illness; craniosacral therapy invokes a powerful process which releases these tensions and restrictions. As it is such a gentle therapy, all ages can benefit, from new-borns to the elderly. Victoria Willis is an excellent craniosacral therapist in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.