The Science of Spirituality
Book ContentsThe Science of Spirituality – Book Contents
The Science of Spirituality contains 18 highly informative chapters and over 60 diagrams and tables.
Brief chapter outlines are given below:
1. Deconstruction
Science and religion don’t appear to have much in common, but they do share one important similarity – their beliefs are restricted to their own respective points of view. The first section of this chapter attempts to liberate scientific thinking and expand its boundaries. The second section deals with religion and attempts to systematically undo thousands of years of misunderstanding, misinterpretation, corruption, fiction and dogma. It reveals some mind-blowing truths about the Bible that may alter your entire perception of Christianity.
2. Common Ground
The second chapter highlights a host of similarities between science and religion. The first section briefly and simply explains several recent scientific discoveries then describes how they have been known to religion for thousands of years. The second section summarises the work of a handful of respected medical practitioners who are investigating the multi-dimensional nature of human beings.
3. The Multi-dimensional Universe
This chapter identifies a previously unknown aspect of energy-matter that explains some of the “unexplainable” aspects of modern physics such as gravity, faster than light communication, and why subatomic particles behave differently when they are being observed. It discusses fractal cosmology, the akashic record, and describes what dark matter and dark energy really are. It provides several maps of the multi-dimensional universe that are compatible with eastern cosmology, the Kabbalistic tree of life and Robert Monroe’s out-of-body investigations.
4. Creation
The chapter begins by explaining how and why the universe came into existence. It reveals the truth behind the symbolic Genesis story – including the creation the human race and mankind’s subsequent “fall” to Earth. It concludes by highlighting the surprisingly similar accounts of creation in Kabbalah, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.
5. The Mechanics of Creation
This chapter builds on the previous one by describing the manifestation of the universe from a more technical perspective. It explains the origin, structure and composition of matter, and describes a “theory of everything” that appears to unite the seemingly incompatible String Theory and Standard Model.
6. The Multi-dimensional Human
We tend to identify ourselves with our physical bodies because our waking consciousness is limited to the physical world, but there is evidence to suggest that other worlds or dimensions exist just beyond the range of our normal perception. In order to operate in a multi-dimensional universe we require a multi-dimensional body, or more accurately a series of ever-more subtle bodies. This chapter describes the multi-dimensional nature of human beings and the evolution of life on Earth.
7. Consciousness Defined
Clinical evidence shows that brain function and consciousness are correlated, but there is no evidence to suggest that the human brain is actually the source of our consciousness. This chapter explains the true source of consciousness and goes on to define and describe twenty different facets of conscious, most of which are unknown to psychologists.
8. Levels of Consciousness
The meaning of life is the development of consciousness. This chapter introduces a scale of consciousness which is used to describe the five key stages of human development – each of which has different lessons for us to learn. The chapter concludes with a comprehensive explanation of the science of enlightenment.
9. Space and Time
The first part of the chapter describes the characteristics of hyper-dimensional space and the shape of the universe. The second part explains the space-time continuum and why our perception of time varies with our state of consciousness.
10. The Planes of Existence
This chapter thoroughly describes the planes of existence that relate to humans; including the environment, the inhabitants, and what life is like there. It reveals the objective truth behind the religious concepts of “heaven” and “hell”, and concludes with an overview of the seven rays.
11. Man’s Five Bodies
Our physical, etheric (energy), emotional (astral), mental (intellectual) and causal (soul) bodies are described in detail, including the effect they have on our behaviour and general wellbeing. The chapter finishes with an explanation of what lies beyond enlightenment – when we graduate from the human kingdom into the “kingdom of god”.
12. Sleep and Dreams
With no knowledge of the subtle bodies, conventional science knows almost nothing about the nature of sleep and dreams. This chapter uses esoteric knowledge to comprehensively describe the reasons for and mechanisms behind sleep, dreams, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis and out-of body activity.
13. Reincarnation
Whether you believe in it or not, life after “death” is an absolute certainty because life cannot be extinguished; it only changes form. We can’t remember our previous lives because our subtle bodies dissolve in sequence after physical death and the pathways to their memories are lost to us. New subtle bodies are formed for the next incarnation but they have no connection with our previous lives. The chapter describes the full cycle of reincarnation and what people can expect at each stage.
14. Paranormal Phenomena
This fascinating chapter explains the mechanisms behind a whole host of paranormal phenomena, including: out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, remote viewing, hypnosis, past-life regression, healing, magic, ghosts, extra-terrestrials, UFOs, crop circles, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and other psychic abilities.
15. Good and Evil
This chapter discusses the opposition of good and evil and how they are both essential for human development. It describes the hierarchies of advanced beings that assist the development of human consciousness and reveals the surprising truth about Satan, Lucifer, 666 and 2012. It explains how cosmic energy cycles alter the balance of power between the forces of light and darkness, and the corresponding effect this has on the rise and fall of human civilisation – including the “great flood” in 9564BC.
16. The Laws of Life
Laws govern absolutely everything in the universe, and without them nothing could exist. This chapter describes seven laws that are particularly important to human development: the laws of freedom, unity, development, self, destiny, karma and the much hyped law of attraction.
17. Personal Development
The only way to find lasting happiness and give our lives meaning is to work at developing our consciousness, and this chapter describes a number of ways to achieve this. Our consciousness is one thing that we take with us from life to life, so any work we do now will benefit us for all eternity.
18. Meditation
Meditation is not the passive, empty, trance-like state that most people imagine; it is an active method of developing higher levels of consciousness and illuminating the mind with insight and understanding. This chapter discusses the uses and benefits of meditation. It then explains how to meditate and concludes with a number of useful exercises.