Enlightenment FAQ
Frequently Asked QuestionsEnlightenment FAQ
Enlightenment FAQ – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about spiritual awakening, transpersonal development, being and becoming, self-realisation, enlightenment, life after enlightenment, duality and nonduality.

What is spiritual awakening?
How does spiritual awakening happen?
Spiritual awakening is awakening to our spiritual nature, but in order to do that we must awaken from our ego nature. The ego is a tool that the Self uses to develop its consciousness, just as a book is a tool that a reader uses to develop knowledge. There is nothing a book can do to make the reader more knowledgeable, likewise there is nothing the ego can do to make the Self more evolved. Inner work is not about making changes happen, it is about creating opportunities for healing, reintegration and growth to occur naturally. The ego’s desire to awaken is futile and impossible because its dream can never become reality – we have to awaken from the dream in order to see reality.
How can I spiritually awaken?
The journey of spiritual awakening is two-fold:
Becoming Self: This is the psychological/personal aspect of the path. It involves dissolving the psychological material that block the unfoldment and expression of our true nature.
Being Self: This is the spiritual/transpersonal aspect of the path. It involves aligning with our super-conscious and actively expressing our true nature. This develops our association with our true-Self, so that someday we will come to realise that this is who we truly are.