Psychology FAQ
Frequently Asked QuestionsPsychology FAQ
Psychology FAQ – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about psychology, personal development, psychological growth, the ego, the wounded inner child, mind-chatter, narcissism, suffering, wanting, finding happiness and the meaning of life.
What is the meaning and purpose of life?
What is personal development?
Personal development means “growing up” psychologically, i.e. freeing ourself from the childish, defensive and reactive ego programming that keeps us from living fully consciously. Personal development is the journey of perfecting the authentic personality. It involves mastering (not repressing) our thoughts, emotions and bodies to free ourself from the fears, insecurities, conditioned behaviours, reactive emotions, critical judgements and limiting beliefs that keep us from living a happy, peaceful and fulfilling life. This is achieved by dissolving the “negative” psychological material that keeps us trapped in these old patterns and prevents us from moving forward.